Confirm The Exact Date

When contacting an event organizer, it is essential to provide the exact date of your event. Failure to do so can lead to significant changes, especially for a bachelor party. A quote that was valid for one date might lose all its value for another date. To avoid this, it is crucial to inform your event organizer of the exact date of your event. 

Please keep in mind that there are numerous Buddhist holidays in Thailand, and bars and clubs will be closed for two days during these holidays. This means that no alcohol will be available for purchase during these days. Therefore, it is crucial to confirm the exact date of your event with your event organizer to avoid any inconvenience or bad surprises.

Furthermore, event organizers can recommend specific dates when epic pool parties or music festivals will take place. This might be an opportunity to combine your private trip with a public pool party or music festival. To take advantage of such opportunities, it is crucial to inform your event organizer of the exact date of your event.

If you plan to bring your alcohol to the party bus, yacht, or villa, please note that the sale of alcohol is restricted in Thailand. Alcohol can only be purchased from 11 am to 2 pm and from 5 pm to midnight. To avoid disappointment, please confirm the exact date of your event with your event organizer. This will allow them to advise you on dates to avoid (Buddhist holidays) and recommend dates when the best public events are taking place in Thailand.