Never Book Girls Based On Photos

While having photos of girls is important to get an idea of what to expect, it is not sensible to base your final selection solely on pictures.

Beware Of Scams

Never book girls based on photos, as scammers are a major issue in Thailand, particularly in the entertainment industry. These dishonest individuals will try to lure you in by urging you to select girls solely based on photos, and once they receive your deposit, they will not provide the promised girls when you arrive in Thailand. It is important to remember that it is the organizer’s responsibility to guide and advise you towards the best models for your needs, based on their skills and your requirements. 

If an organizer does not do this, it could be a warning sign that they may be a scammer. It is crucial to be vigilant when dealing with these types of individuals in Thailand, and you can find more information about scams in the dedicated ‘Scams’ section.

Photoshop Trend

Never book girls based on photos, as it is common for people to manipulate their pictures in our society using filters and other enhancements. Such practices are not acceptable, yet some agencies still use them to deceive their clients. However, Some reliable agencies are an exception as they ensure that 100% of their models look exactly like their provided pictures. 

If they detect any discrepancy between a model’s appearance and her photo, they remove her from their list. They are familiar with their models, having trained them for months or even years to be the best entertainers for your unforgettable party. They have noticed that some models alter their photos to look more attractive by flattening their stomachs or exaggerating their busts.

Legit providers do not accept such photos and refrains from working with those models until they can provide realistic photos of themselves. However, not all agencies follow the same standards, and some force their models to use Photoshop to appear more appealing and make more sales. These agencies are often the same ones that scam their clients, so it is important to never book girls based on photos and to only work with reputable agencies.

Entertaining Side

If you’re planning a bachelor party in Thailand,  never book girls based on photos if you want to ensure that you have the time of your life. It’s not just about having beautiful models around, you need to make sure they are entertaining enough to keep you and your friends engaged. It would be a nightmare to spend hours with models who behave like princesses, ignoring you and speaking in Thai with their friends or scrolling through their phones. 

You want models who are dedicated to entertaining you, giving lap dances and playing sexy games, and putting on outstanding shows. You want them to make you feel special and have the time of your life. That’s why choosing models based solely on photos can be a mistake. How can you tell how “fun” and “entertaining” a model is just from a photo? It’s not possible, so never book girls based on photos.

Beware of traps, where agencies show gorgeous models in photos to entice clients to book, but then provide different girls who may not live up to expectations. The best agencies ensure that their models are extensively trained to behave in a way that is expected and provide top-notch entertainment. They also provide advice on which models to choose, as they are often booked up weeks or even a month in advance.

Believe The Expert Provider

Never book girls based on photos because, it’s better to listen to the advice of the model providers. They have the expertise to recommend the best models for your event based on your requirements. For example, if you want to book a Lesbian show with two models, you can tell the provider which model you like and ask them to suggest another model who will have good chemistry with her. 

If you want to have the best possible show, let the providers choose the perfect models for you. It’s impossible to judge the models based on photos alone, so it’s better to ask for the provider’s recommendation. For example, if you’re booking a sexy sushi dinner, you may want to know which models have the best assets. The same goes for professional strippers, party guides, and other services. Tell the provider your requirements, and let them recommend the best models for the job based on their availability (so book in advance!). Ultimately, never book girls based on photos, but at the end of the day, the client gets what they want.